Latin for Beginners by Grist To The Mill

Last updated : 05 August 2004 By Bigrich.....
Qualis pater, talis filius
For example, dear old Sheffield Wednesday's motto is "Consilio et Anamis" which roughly translated means "Intelligence and Courage". Don't all laugh at once.

This set me to thinking about our dear old Millers. We don't have a club motto (as far as I know), so I thought of a few that might apply to Millmoor.

These are real (or almost real) latin phrases
For Ken Booth
"Monstra mihi pecuniam" (show me the money),
For Ken Booth Jnr
"Qualis pater, talis filius" (like father, like son)
For Booth Jnr and the car park
"Id est mihi, id non est tibi" (it's mine, not yours)
For Director Lucock
"Veni, Vidi, Velcro" (I came, I saw, I stuck around)
For The Muppet Henson
"Meum cerebrum nocet" (my brain hurts)
For those that bought season tickets thinking there was a take-over
"Raptus regaliter" (Royally screwed)
For those tax dodgers wanting a student discount
"Reductio ad absurdum" (reduction to the absurd)
For the new stand and low attendances
"Si tu id aeficas, ei venient" (If you build it, they will come)
For the ticket Office
"Stultus est sicut stultus facit" (Stupid is as stupid does)
Whether or not Booth is the saviour of the club
"Fructu non folis arborem aestima" (Judge the tree by its fruit, not by its leaves)
On the topic of Freeman or Booth
"De duobus malis,minus est semper eligendum" (Of the two evils, the lesser must always be chosen)
Interdum feror cupidine partuim magnarum europa vincendarum
On Booth slagging off Freeman
"in alio pediculum, in te ricinum non vides" (you see a louse on someone else, but not a tick on youself)
For Freeman's backers (if they ever existed)
"Consensus audacium" (An agreement of rash men)
For the main board
"Ut sementum feceris ita metes" (As you sow so will you reap)
For the next time we play Sheffield Wednesday
"Denum, veniunt porci" (At last, here come the pigs)
For Chris Turner the Sheffield Wednesday Manager
"Interdum feror cupidine partuim magnarum europa vincendarum" (Sometimes, I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe) (tee-hee!!!)
For the Club's Official Website
"aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est" (Yes, that is a very large amount of corn)
For this website
"Fama volat" (rumour flies)
For Gerry Somerton and the Official Website
"Isto pensitaris?" (You get paid for this c*ap?)
For the Internet Millers
"Gramen artificiosum odi" (I hate Astroturf)
For all fans of Ronnie Moore
Ille mi par esse deo videtor
"Ille mi par esse deo videtor" (he seems to me to be equal to a God)
One for John Breckin
"Ego nolo managarus esse" ( I don't want to be the manager)
One for all of the players except Andy Monkhouse
"Simia quam similes, turpissimus bestia, nobis" (How like us is that very ugly beast the monkey)
And finally one for all of us long suffering Millers fans
"Nitimur in vetitum semper cupimusque negata" (We always strive for things that are forbidden and we desire the ones we are denied)
Nil desperandum
Nil illigitimus carborundum