Nature abhors a vacuum - Grist
Just what do we expect from the New Board, and why are people criticising them? Their track record so far is quite good. Yes there have been some actions that were disagreeable like the sacking of Ronnie Moore but decisions have to be made, plans have to be laid and changes have to be driven through.
Yes we still need a new stand but we've been waiting for one for the last 20 years so surely we can wait a few months more?
The club has no cash, but there's no change there either. What cash the club ever had was in the very tight control of our friendly neighbourhood scrap man. A person that during his years of neglect and mismanagement set up a way of working that would appear as an exhibit on Antiques Roadshow.
If the New Board members have a weakness it probably is in their openness. In the past the Booth regime told us absolutely nothing. The New Board are quite different in that they try to tell us what is happening both good and bad in equal measure. However when the news dries up, as it has now, the New Board look (to some) as though they are hiding something when basically it's down to a news vacuum, nothing is happening.
Overall though, just what is slagging off the New Board or not renewing season tickets actually going to achieve? Lets make this absolutely clear, we have no other viable options and all Millers fans need to support the club and the New Board.
If they turn out to be crooks or freeloaders then fair enough give them both barrels, but seriously, is there anybody out there that really thinks that this is the case?
Or is it just, I'm British, from Rotherham, so I moan as a form of entertainment.
As our Yank friends will say, "shape up or ship out".
Keep the Faith and Keep the Patience