Council to put up bond.
Last updated : 02 August 2008 By Bigrich.....
After bringing Tony Stewart into Rotherham United, Rotherham Council are showing their commitment to the Millers by putting up £500k towards the bond required to play at Don Valley while the proposed community stadium is built.
Todays Advertiser reports that at the council's Cabinet meeting on Wednesday that is recommend putting £500k towards the bond to the full council.
Of course the council wont be required to pay any monies out as yet, as it will only be required should the club not return to play within the Rotherham boundaries by 2012, which should also give the council the kick up the backside regarding the construction of the community stadium.
Roger Stone - RMBC leader told the 'Tiser that the authority had sent a letter
stating their commitment to the club but the Football Foundation wanted more reassuring.
He told the 'Tiser; "Rotherham Borough Council has made no secret that its supports the idea of a community stadium but we hope the offer of this bond is concrete proof of our commitment to see a 15,000-seat stadium built in the town that will provide both sporting and community faCilities for the people of Rotherham."
"Obviously, there are no guarantees. That is the risk the authority will have to take and it will be carefully monitored. But so far it is looking positive and we will continue to work with the developer and both Rotherham United and Rotherham Titans rugby club to provide a new stadium on land at Parkgate that will add significantly to the fabric of the town and its people." he added.