Speaking to the 'Tiser Coleman said; "When I hear supporters having a go at me and the other members of the board who are giving a lot of time and energy to keep this club alive, to the detriment to thier own businesses, it's very dissapointing."
"Some of the things I hear are absolutely pathetic. There are always rumours, you can't stop them, but half of the stuff isn't even worth responding to."
"We get them in this club on a daily basis. It's unbelievable why people make stories up, I can only imagine it's because they have nothing better to do. Sometimes it makes you fell like jacking it all in, I feel that strongly about it."
"There have been times over the last 18 months when I've thought, Is this worth it? It's only my pride in and the love of Rotherham United that stops me walking away."
Coleman then went on to state that the clubs plight had not been helped by the failure of the Rotherham United Suite and its functions; "We have not had enough backing from the Rotherham public, We organised a Gordon Banks night with proceeds going to the club, but only 2 Rotherham supporters bought tickets, there were more people from Sheffield at the do and that's absolutely disgraceful."
"I'm not having a go at all supporters, because most realise the situatio we inherited here and appreciate that we are doing our best, but all the negative vibes going around at the moment do no-one any favours."
"We all need to all pull together, start thinking positively and help get this club moving in the right direction again." Coleman added.