Interview with the Chairman

Last updated : 01 March 2005 By Bigrich.....
Despite having the Fans Forum at Magna just a fortnight ago, there are still many questions that the Millers faithfull have for the board.

Now's your chance to get some answers, from the new Chairman of Rotherham United, Peter Ruchniewicz.

One question that I've already asked is about the rumoured relegation clause in JCR's contract, and there is none. If and when we do go down, Jamal's contract has no get-out clause!!!

Now its you turn, give me your questions and I'll ask them to Peter R and put the reply up on the site. All Questions must be posted on the board by March 13th by the latest!!

So wether your question be about the new stand, new players, club finances or even just about the state of the toilets. We want you to ask them!!!

Click HERE to post your question.