“It’s naive of me to sit here and think that our club in the third tier won’t be affected, For every club, around 70 per cent of their outgoings are players wages."
“I would like any decision to be made by the governing bodies and not by individual clubs. It’s good for the health of all clubs if they are subject to the same conditions. I hope it’s going to be one shoe fits all.”
“It’s good for the health of all clubs if they are subject to the same conditions, You want all the teams to come through this so we can still have football as we know it. If it’s a case of survival of the fittest I think a lot of clubs will massively struggle. It’s easier if everyone does it the same way."
“What no club wants is a difference in strategy between clubs. A club challenging for promotion may have been tight with their books, say, and then play against a team who have been a lot looser with theirs. The players of the second club would be more motivated than those playing for the first.”
“Unfortunately, we are going to have to furlough some, Hopefully we can get back on the training ground soon and it will be a month or two months tops."
“There will be certain key workers who stay on and plan for the future and review training schedules and things like that.”
“Furloughing isn’t something I would like to see because I like having daily contact with my players, We have online meetings and training sessions with them three times a day and they all have to submit their running stats to a private group app.” Warne added.