Speaking to the Advertiser, Douglas said; "But for the work of the new board and what is being done now, the 5000 Rotherham fans who watched the cup game against Wednesday here earlier this season would be doing something else or making their way to Sheffield to watch their football."
"None of us had any ambitions to run a football club, None of us ever dreamed of doing this."
"Thinking back to last year before we took over, we started off essentially trying to raise funds. It became clear that after a certain amount of time, even though money was being raised, nobody was going to get hold of the situation and save the club, It's just fate that put us in a position where we had to give it a go or let it all crumble. We are still in that position." Douglas added.
"Had this business not been a football club, no-one would have touched it. Rotherham United would have been dead and buried. We are custodians of the club and it is up to us to guide it through this difficult period, That is what drives us on!"
"We have a sense of what this football club means to Rotherham, as well as us as individuals. We've got kids who we would like to be able to enjoy what goes on at Millmoor for years to come."
"I've travelled a lot and when I was abroad the only reference people had to Rotherham was Rotherham United, The club is an important cultural part of this towns heritage."
"We know the club has underachieved for four years and it's not been easy for them. This is not a moan or groan to the people of Rotherham, We just want them to understand that we all want the same thing, the best for the club just like them."
"The people that come to Millmoor week in week out, we can't thank them enough." Douglas added.