RUST Meeting - Magna Review

Last updated : 09 March 2006 By Deano
Around 600 people were in attendance, the majority RUST members, for a slightly later than scheduled 7.45pm start. A moving opening piece of goal commentaries supplied by Radio Sheffield past and present set the tone for the evening.

The meeting was chaired by acting chairman Mark Thomas, who was a guest at the supporters club meeting last Sunday evening. Throughout the night, himself and former 05 board member John Harrison outlined the the facts and figures to which we as fans can work towards, and laid the foundations of RUST'S agenda to structure a survival plan for Rotherham United.

Basically, here's some facts and figures for you. The club owe the Inland Revenue a six figure sum because we have not been paying them PAYE returns fully. This is seen as the catalyst for the recent crisis along with the Campbell-Ryce deal. The Revenue can and will issue a 7 day winding-up order against the football club if we do not pay up our returns by 19th of this month. Rotherham United owe around £77,000 for the month ending 28th February and £630,000 in total.

Onto RUST's delivery of the model to save the club, which involves the fans and local businesses, and anyone else keen to help. The proposal is set out to span over a two year minimum period in order to keep the revenue at bay and give us breathing space, whilst generating a steady stream of income. Each fan is asked to inject money each month from their salary through a standing order. An example of 1,000 people giving £25 a month was suggested, although this can be broken down into donations such as £5, £10, and so on. The idea is that the proof of this monthly source of income should be enough to aid the club in gathering potential ideas for other fundraising activities, whilst keeping the tax people at arms length.

To add to the business plan, there are thought to be several businessmen of 'substantial means' that could be willing to put money into the club if this scheme is taken up by a meaningful amount of fans. Money generated from this can be used to finish off the corporate facilities in the new stand to generate other methods of investment and income on non-matchdays. There was also a discussion on ITV digital, the case taken up by the Football League's lawyers is thought to stand a very, very good case, but if successful at the first hurdle an appeal would be likely and a result may be upto a year forthcoming. However, this would give the club an injection of FOUR MILLION POUNDS.

The night was concluded with an open forum for fundraising ideas, and an appeal for 'active' fundraisers with experience to help with the responsibilities of managing the money raised with the hope of taking on new events. Upon leaving, any interested parties were asked to sign a pledge card with names and adresses. All in all it is hoped that if enough people show an interest and actually carry that forward, then this documentation can be shown to the Revenue as active proof by the club of a sustained cash injection over a lenghty period.

The meeting concluded at 9.45pm with thanks given to those in attendance.