RUST Presentation now online

Last updated : 10 March 2006 By Bigrich.....
Its debateable just how many went to the Magna meeting, some say 250 while others say nearer 600. But one thing is for sure, the meeting was a lot better than the previous one and with one main plan coming out of it.

There has already been a write up on the evening, so I wont go through that again, the link is below should you want to read it.

Gives Presentation
The main plan is that Millers fans and local business's donate x amount of £ into a seperate account by direct debit per month for a couple of years. This should pay off the PAYE demand which threatens to close the club.

This would then be paid back should the ITV Digital court case be settled, or the donor could have shares in the club for the amount invested.

After you have downloaded the presentation, unzip it to you hard drive and the double click the file saying 'Click me to play'

Most slides have Audio frrom the meeting, although you can forward o­nto the next slide by left clicking

Meanwhile the Audio only from the night is also online CLICK HERE TO LISTEN - 2.3 meg