The club and RMBC risk losing a £800,000 bond lodged with the League from the football league.
Only last week it was announced that the latest site had fallen through, but Stewart told Radio Sheffield that he was still talking about 2 possible sites and the RMBC and the club were moving forward to deliver a 15,000 all seater iconic stadium for the town.
"When I first came in, the governing bodies gave me a tough time and rightly so because Rotherham had been in administration twice in 18 months. Now I know these people by their first names now and there's a better understanding than there was." he told the 'Tiser.
"They want to make sure there's a discipline in Rotherham and that we mean what we say and we do what we say. I know these people personally now and I do believe that there would be an understanding that if we were moving forward, they'd try to help us."
"I don't see that if we're six or 12 months out that there would be a big upset and they would keep the bond. Like ourselves, their interest is in getting professional football back in Rotherham in the best situation possible."
"We're going to make an impression. That's what it's all about, The model we have set for the stadium and our new training ground is high level and they will turn heads in Rotherham. We will be proud of it. In years to come, people will say it has been done for the right reasons."
Meanwhile boss Mark Robins has total faith in the club getting a new stadium, telling the 'Tiser; "Theres a lot of talk about how the plans for our new stadium are progressing and quite rightly so. I know our supporters are keen for news but you can't put a time scale on when the next development will be. You can't force the issue."
"The chairman is working hard to find the best possible site to give Rotherham United and the town a ground to be proud of. Hopefully, something can be announced in the not too distant future. It's not a question of whether the stadium might happen. It will happen." he added.
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