Team A is awarded a throw-in and Team A's player throws the ball back to his goalkeeper. The goalkeeper, however, is unaware of what's happening and the ball accidentally rolls into the back of the net without the goalkeeper touching it. What does the referee award in this situation?
A - Retake the throw in
B - Corner Kick
C - Throw in to the opponents
D - Goal.
The answer is, B - A Corner Kick
Reason - A goal cannot be scored from a throw-in, and the ball had gone over the goal line having last been played by a defender, the player taking the throw-in.
The draw from the correct entries ( and we've had a fair few this month. well done) has been made on the boards and the winners are.
Winner - Michael Hazlehurst who wins 3 dozen pies.
Runners up - Glynn Bernard & Martin Cook who both win a dozen pies.
You will be contacted in the next few days regarding your prizes.
Febuarys competition will be posted tomorrow.